
bib necklace

i'm back after a week fighting a summer cold and then dealing with migraines. yuck!! no fun. {esp. when you're preggers and can't take like any medications. so. not. fun.} ANYWAYS, i'm back so that's all that matters. but dude, check out my newest necklace. love the texture and just how simply pretty it is!
i did this really cool zig zag gathering technique to create the flowers and i'm totally in love. {of course i'll post a tutorial for it!}

*and you just might be seeing me using this technique in the near future on another project :)*
just listed this necklace in my etsy shop :)
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  1. awesome, I love it !!! Glad you are feeling better.

  2. I think it is awesome! Love the texture.
    So sorry you haven't been feeling well. I get migraines too and I know how you feel! They suck for sure and if you can't take any meds...ouch!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh man, hate migraines, I get them alot, and when I was preggers with the littles they were the WORST (as if they aren't bad enough on their own!! ;P) Sorry you have to experience that :/

    BUT, LOVE this.
    I can't WAIT for a tute! I will absolutely make it ;D

  4. Looks great, Linda! Can't wait for the tutorial to see how you made these lovely flowers!

  5. so pretty, can't wait for the tute :D

  6. Glad you are doing better. I absolutely love the flower. Anxiously awaiting the tutorial. It is a must have in my book.

  7. so cute! I will have to try this! love your blog.....

  8. Oh wow, that IS really cool! Also, I like the outfit you've got it with; I've seen bib necklaces in the store before, but could never figure out how to pair them with the right outfit without it looking too much. Thanks!

  9. That necklace is gorgeous. I love everything about it -- the color -- the textures -- the size -- everything!

  10. I love this idea, it is gorgeous!!! Awaiting on the tutorial...


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