
simple argyle receiving blanket

with baby's arrival quickly approaching {haha i wish.these. last few weeks feel like an eterntiy!} i am trying to get the last few details ready. since the baby's gender is a surprise, i am trying to prepare both boy and girl items to take to the hospital. i picked out a cute boy outfit and a super cute pink girl outfit. grabbed a couple boy hats and girl hats. for receiving blankets, i grabbed one of lil man's. BUT i had no girl blankets. 
So of course i had to whip one up :) 
so i made this cute girlie argyle one in about 20 minutes.
{if you haven't noticed, i'm all about easy, fast crafts}
these prints went together so well. fun colors and who doesn't love a good argyle?

happy monday!
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  1. So cute! So if you have a boy (gasp, I'll shed I tear for you) and I have a girl (gasp, please shed a tear for me) and we don't swap babies....you may just have to send me all your cute girl stuff :)

  2. I love the colors, and those are my favorite blankets to make, so simple and quick, yet they can look SO pretty (or handsome) depending on the fabric you choose. If you have a little girl she's going to be so lucky! (So would a boy, but you did just make a super cute girls blanket)

  3. What beautiful fabric! I luv the patterns and colors. It's so rare these days to find someone who doesn't know the gender of their baby! Kudos to you for keeping it a surprise!

  4. Super cute! I'm having a girl the beginning of December and just might have to make a few of these before her arrival.

  5. Just love your fabric choices. Good luck prepping. I think the last few weeks are just so hard. They go so slowly!

  6. Love those prints! Now you just need a couple of coordinating burp cloths ;)

  7. Very cute!! So excited for you to have the baby. The last few weeks DO feel like forever.

  8. so very cute. i wish i had a blanket like that to curl up with and take a nap! :-)

  9. cute! love that argyle fabric (i work at joanns :))

    and we also don't find out our babies' gender .. it's so fun.
    i did the same thing and sewed both girly and boy-ish stuff



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