
INTERNATIONAL Handmade Gift Exchange

 It's that time again! Twice a year I host a Handmade Gift Exchange here on Craftaholics Anonymous and its time sign up! I look forward to these exchanges for months. It's seriously is one of my fave things that I do with this blog. Such a fun way to meet other crafters AND have an excuse to be crafty :]

Since this exchange has grown quite a bit since I started it, I am gong to format it differently this time around in hopes to prevent some of the headaches we had last time. With this exchange, you will send your gift to the same person that sends you a gift. For ex: I make and send a gift to Jane Crafty and in return, Jane Crafty will make and send me a gift.

Want to see what participants have received in the past? Check out last Gift Exchange's linky party here.

Please read this entire post BEFORE you sign up! If you have any questions, PLEASE email me at craftaholicsanon@gmail.com before signing up. Wanna play? Here's how to be a part of the INTERNATIONAL Gift Exchange December 2010. {click here for the United States Gift Exchange}
  • If you commit to participate in this exchange, you will need to make one Handmade Gift for a fellow blogger and have it post marked by November 30, 2010. In return, you will receive one Handmade Gift from a fellow blogger in the mail some time in December.
  • Fill out the form below to officially sign up. Sign up will be open until November 10, 2010.
  • After sign up closes, I will personally email you with your "Gift Exchange Partner's" mailing address and email address.
  • Make a gift for your assigned partner. Need ideas? Check out my Tutorials.
  • Have your gift post marked no later than November 30, 2010. It is very important that you have your gift post marked by November 30. If you can get your handmade gift in the mail earlier, that's even better! 
  • Participating in this exchange means you will probably have to make a trip to the Post Office and you will need to fill out a customs form if you are mailing out of your country. Please take that into account when you're looking at your holiday schedule.
  • There is no skill level required. A handmade gift is always wonderful, no matter how technical it is! 
  • There is no price minimum on the handmade gift. If shipping costs are an issue, you can make a gift that is light weight and fits inside an envelope. 
  • I have no way of patrolling everyone's participation....but usually, people are honest and do their part. And with this new format, you will have your partner's info so you can help remind them as needed ;o)
Go ahead and tell your friends and family about the Gift Exchange. The more the merrier! Feel free to grab a Gift Exchange button to display on your blog too :)

Sign up closes November 10, 2010.


  1. Dear Linda,
    I love the idea of getting a handmade gift from somewhere far away! I already subscribed! Thank you for organizing this!
    sorry for beeing picky, but there's a tipping error in your post: June 30, 2010. Should be November 10, 2010, I guess. :)
    Thank you again!

  2. Thank you so much for organizing all this! It's a great idea! Who doesn't like handmade gifts?! I've subscribed already, I've also tweeted and blogged about it! I hope there are going to be many participants! As you said "The more the merrier!"

  3. Do I need to have a blog in order to sign up?

  4. Linda.... I just did a BIG oops... I didn't want to sign up for the international exchange. Can you please delete my name on that one? Thank you so much!

    Vicki Johnson


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com