
chance to win a Silhouette ends tonight!

if you haven't entered, you better it do it ASAP!! the Silhouette SD giveaway ends at Midnight TONIGHT. as in a couple hours!! click here to enter.

and don't forget the 2 good deals doing on!!
Deal #1: Buy a Silhouette SD Digital Cutting Tool and get:
  • 2 rolls of premium vinyl
  • 1 roll of transfer
  • AND the Home Décor CD {which is full of awesome designs you can cut to decorate your home with} 
*that's a $395 value for only $225!!!*
 holy smokes! that's a rockin' deal! the Silhouette SD itself retails for $300 by itself, so this deal is A*MAZING! 

***if you have any questions about the Silhouette SD that i have not answered in this post, please feel free to email me! like i said earlier, i've owned a Silhouette SD for a year and a half and used it a bunch.

Deal #2 all Premium Vinyl is 25% off! i think i'm going to have to stock up. after using it on my headboard, i am totally sold on Premium Vinyl! higher quality and easier to use than regular vinyl.

to get these killer deals, use Promo code: CRAFT {easy to remember, huh? ;} these deals are only available Jan. 17-22, so you better act fast!


  1. This sounds like an amazing machine that I would love to have for myself! I am going to check it out, soon.

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