
Guest Blogger: Heidi from Sew.Craft.Create

{update: spelling hiccup fixed}


I'm Heidi from Sew.Craft.Create. (a.k.a. Made by Heidi)
I love sewing, blog design, and making printables (grab free printables on my blog!)

I'm so excited to be a guest blogger on Craftaholics Anonymous! 
I must say, Linda is awesome! but I'm sure you already knew that ;)

Today I made a personalized V-day printable for you...
the perfect Valentines day card!

Here's what you need to do:

1) Download the power point presentation here. 
Click on the little down arrow on the box below.
(for personal use only)

2) Click on the word "Graysen," erase it and add your own sweetheart's name. You may need to increase/decrease the font depending on the length of the name. Then move it into the right position.

3) Print it on cardstock, fold the paper in half, and trim the edges.

Done! Perfect for your Valentine!

Pop on over to my blog today for an easy-peasy v-day tutorial!


  1. really cute~but when I try to download the link it seems to be broken :(

  2. Gretchen,
    Thanks for letting me know! I emailed Heidi and we'll get it fixed!

  3. Hi!

    Sorry, I accidentally linked "powerpoint presentation," you actually click on the little down arrow on the box below the words "powerpoint presentation" to begin the download.

    Let me know if you are still having trouble.


  4. Thank you, this is fabulous. February is spelled wrong,it wont let me change it, would it be possible to explain how to change it? Thank you again!

  5. Yikes!!! That's embarrassing! I fixed the file. Darn spell check! and the word February for that matter ;)

  6. Thank you! Its terrific, you have made my Valentines a little easier & funner. I appreciate your generousity!

  7. Of course! Thanks for being so forgiving! :) Have a great v-day!

  8. You've been selected!!! For the Versatile Blogger Award! Please pass on and enjoy!
    Thanks Brandi Jo

  9. LOVE it!! So quick, easy, and personal!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  10. Just printed the card. It will be PERFECT to give to my sweet husband. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com