
Guest Blogger: Jamielyn from I Heart Nap Time

Hello my fellow craft addicts!!Photobucket

I’m Jamielyn from I Heart Nap Time!

I confess I’m a craft addict. If it’s been a day or two and I haven’t plugged in the glue gun I start loosing my mind. Luckily I have a supportive husband who actually encourages my crafting addiction. :)

Here is one of my latest creations:

thrift shop finds

I found this beauty at goodwill on DOLLAR day! Yup that’s right ONE dollar! I couldn’t believe it hadn’t been snatched up already. The picture was NOT my style, but I loved the detail on the frame. I knew with a little spray paint magic it would be perfect.

p.s. Sorry the lighting is bad, I took these at night.

how to spray paint

Can you believe 1 dollar for this beauty?! It’s been forever since I’ve been to goodwill, but now I’m getting anxious to go.

glue gun

Okay onto the tutorial…

First things first. Find a large frame and remove the picture and cardboard. Keep the cardboard. That will be your backing. Then give the frame a few coats of spray paint.

Next you will need to find some cotton batting that will cover the entire cardboard.  I think I doubled the batting if I remember right. Then you will fold the batting over the cardboard and hot glue it down. Trim off any excess batting to remove bulk.

amy butler fabric

Next you will need to buy enough fabric to cover  the entire board. Btw I LOOVEE this fabric.


You will begin by folding the fabric over the cardboard and hot gluing it down.


When you get to the corners, make a diagonal cut.


Then fold in the other side and glue. Once your fabric is all glued down you’ll need to start gathering some ribbon.

how to make a hair bow

Measure and cut your ribbon accordingly and then glue on the back side of the cardboard.


I placed velcro dots on the ric rac to hang my velcro flowers. I make most of my flowers and place a velcro dot on the back of them, so I can interchange them. Go here for more details.


LOVE it!

hair flowers

The perfect place to hold all your hair accessories!

distressed knob

I also found this at goodwill for a dollar and thought it would be perfect to hang headbands. All I did was spray paint it blue and then distressed the edges a little. I’ve also seen these at crafts stores for 3 or 4 bucks. So with a coupon only 2 bucks. Not bad!

hair bows

Oh how I love having a little girl. They are so fun! :)

girls hair bows

hair clips

So what do you think?!

hairstyle s

Much better… perfect for all my little girls hair bows and hair clips! Got to love all the frill!

To see more from the nursery click here. I’ll be revealing the whole nursery in the next few weeks… so come by and check it out.

Thanks for having me today! It was so nice to meet all of you!


  1. Very cute idea! Don't you just love the great things you can find at GW?

  2. This is super cute and colorful, just adorable!

  3. Awesome! I'v been looking for a frame like this. Haven't found one for a dollar though. Love how you hung all the cute little girly things!

  4. AH-mazing! I absolutely love this. And it seems like much more storage space than the ones with the two ribbons hanging down. Goodness knows with a little girl you have to make room for the bows! :)

  5. This is FABULOUS!!!
    I have so many pretty frames that I had NO justification for buying... One will soon become one of these! Thank you for sharing =) x

  6. This is great. I need to make another ribbon holder because we ran out of space on the first one, this will be perfect:)

  7. perfect! just added this to my list of diy fun for this year- it's the perfect gift for my cousin- she makes her own hair accessories and this would be the perfect display! :)

  8. Wow! You are one talented Momma! :) Good for you for being so thrifty and crafty! ;)

  9. it is soooo cute, i am going to need to make one of those too!!! good job

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. OMG! I'm going to make this this weekend!!

    thanks for the tute!

  12. I think I wish I had little girls again so I could do this! I guess I'll just have to wait until my grand daughters get older. So cute!

  13. love it!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

  14. i love it! how clever! and only a dollar, that's a sweet deal!

  15. Very cute! Does anyone know if you have to use a specific type of paint? Would the type of paint matter if it were a wood or a metal frame?

  16. Thanks so much for all the sweet comments!! :) I prefer spray paint.. Any kind will do. Rustoleum is better for metal.

  17. Oh I LOVE this! I have 2 little girls. I MUST make this. I love your THRIFTY find! CONGRATS! super cute pink striped walls and adorable fabric!!

  18. Linda that is amazing. I'm in love with this bow holder and I'm totally going to copy it :)

  19. i'm in love with it, totally going to copy it and make one tonite :)


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com