
Vintage Sheet Music and Burlap

Sheet music is the new Burlap, or so it seems. I found my vintage sheet music (gotta love the 70's) at the local thrift store. The gentleman in line behind me was jealous. He said he's in there almost every day and can never find any sheet music. Chalk that one up to my Schlappy Shopping Skills; I found it in the kid's section. Ha!
I added one of my 2 Minute Fabric Flowers to soften the look.

*Be sure to check out my Reader's Tutorial Week, Dec. 14-18. I have lined up 15  tutorials and daily giveaways!!*
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  1. Love, Love, LOVE! Simply adorable! and your flower ...ah, too cute!

  2. I love vintage sheet music too and have my Christmas pieces displayed too. Love your idea...would make great gifts too.

  3. That is so cute!! TFS. I'm a musician, and I can totally see something like this in my future. :)

  4. So pretty!! Love the contrast between all the elements textures and substance.

  5. this is so wonderful and just lovely...thanks so much for sharing!

  6. Hey Linda. That's just simply beautiful. I think I might look for "Away in a Manager" and follow your lead. Thanks for sharing.

    Merry Christmas & Hugs...Tracy :)

  7. Linda I love this! I'm completely into using sheet music for a wonderful supply! Your idea is fantastic! Be sure to come and add it to the linking on Wednesday!

  8. My grandma just gave my an old hymnal and I wanted to do something fun with my favorite songs. Now I know what


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