
Melanie and her banner

In December, I hosted a giveaway for a beautiful Joy Banner that Sierra from Creative K Designs made. To enter the giveaway, readers told me what brought them Joy in their lives. Well, Cami told me about her younger sister Melanie who is fighting Lukemia and how she felt joy seeing Melanie smile and hearing about "good blood counts". Cami wanted to give the Joy Banner to Melanie to put in her hospital room during December. I was very touched by Cami's love for her sister and so she won the banner.
Cami just emailed me a picture of Melanie with her Joy banner and I had to share it with you.

If you would like to read more about Melanie's brave fight against Lukemia,
check out For the Love of Mel. She is one brave lady with one little man!
Thanks for sharing Cami. My thoughts and prayers are with your family while Melanie gets ready for her blood transplant.
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  1. That is wonderful. She certainly is entitled to a little joy.

    - The Tablescaper

  2. so sweet, so glad you gave it to her :D

  3. thanks for posting this photo! it's great to see who got it and to hear about her story! :)

  4. Thanks again Linda! Mel heads back to the hospital on Thursday to begin the final stage of her transplant prep which will include radiation and chemo. She is one strong woman!

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