
a candid shot

Davis takes a lot of pictures for me because he refuses to model my creations.... ok, so I don't blame him for not wanting to wear headbands and ballet flats! But his "revenge" for taking all these pictures is he takes tons of candid ones. Like this one. I was shocked it wasn't half bad! I just wish I had more makeup on.... because those freckles are mocking me. Whenever Davis hands back my camera after a photo shoot, I always find random shots of me I had no idea he was taking. For example, the butt shot right after this pic. argh. men. 
{thank goodness for the delete button}
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  1. Hey, it's me again...Kim from MI...your hubby should give you some flowers to hold in your next photo shoot!

  2. With this never ending winter, I'm fading like a flower. I'm sure a pretty posy for my hair would help at least a little!

  3. You should never be ashamed of freckles! Yours are so cute!

  4. I cover my freckles with flowers!

  5. I have freckles too... what can you do?!? :)

  6. it NEEDS to be spring...bring on the flowers!!

  7. ahh yes... what to do about the freckles. they are friends of mine, too!

  8. I totally covet freckles. You have great ones! :) Great pic.

  9. There's nothing wrong with freckles. Just be glad you've been blessed. The photo is lovely.

  10. I'm so glad my hubby's not the only one taking butt shots. And I LOVE freckles! Embrace them! That's a great pic!

  11. I love photos and your's is very cute! We are a family of freckles (Irish, that'll do it). I have been known to remove unwanted spots with www.picasa.com's Retouch option. Works wonders! Although, I don't really think you need it.

  12. How can you go wrong with a flower in your hair?????

  13. Fun picture! I was at Joann's yesterday and they had some zipper trim and I thought of you. Its in the Project Runway section of the trim!

  14. Your beautiful and freckles are awesome! I am so addicted to your blog now! Some friends and I are getting together next week to make your zipper flowers! Where did you get your bamboo bracelets and how did you attach them to the bracelets?


  15. This is a great pic...I LOVE freckles!

  16. I am in the mood to make some flowers for my girls for my sister's wedding April!!
    I should just look at one of your tutorials :)

  17. You're so cute! :) I would smack him for the butt shot though. Or maybe take one of him when he's asleep.

  18. My hubby likes to do the same thing. I can't tell you how many butt shots I have deleted off the camera and every time I ask him why he just laughs. I guess I should be happy he still likes it enough to take pictures of it! LOL!

  19. I love the simplicity of this shot!

  20. How different are different people's perspective. The first thing I noticed in your pic was your blue eye and the beautiful smile :) And until I read the post I couldn't see a single freckle.

    It's a beautiful pic. Just like you :)

    ~ Shailley

  21. I just can't understand why Davis wouldn't want to wear one of your cute headbands or ballet flats!!! LOL! Great picture!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  22. Hahahaha! I know exactly what you mean about the random pictures, I have deleted a ton of pictures that my husband has taken of me!


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