Thanks to everyone that signed up for the Christmas in July Gift Exchanges. There's over 200 bloggers participating in this go-round. yay! It's going to be so much fun! The sign up has now officially closed. There were a few shuffles during the sign up, so what I need each of you to do is go back to the sign up post and check:
- make sure the person whose comment is after yours (your giftee) is still the same person. There were a few shuffles, so please double check this.
- make sure you included your email address in your comment. If you forgot, PLEASE email the person above you {your gifter}with your mailing address so they know where to send your gift.
- click here for the United States Gift Exchange sign up post and click here for the International Gift Exchange sign up post
- if you have not contacted the person you're sending a gift to (your giftee) to get their mailing address, please do it today!
- if the person sending you a gift (your gifter) has not contacted you, feel free to shoot them an email with your mailing info.
- now get your crafty juices flowing and have fun making those gifts!
- if you're stumped on what to make, just ask your giftee what they like. Or check out my tutorials for ideas.
- Please have your gifts postmarked by June 30. if you get it in the mail earlier, all the better!! gold star for you :)
- i will leave the link to the Gift Exchange on my sidebar up during the exchange in case you need to look something up.
**If you signed up and are unable to participate, DO NOT just delete your comment. You MUST email me and let me know so that I can adjust the exchange. If you cannot make and send a gift, please do not ruin it for someone else, email me so I can adjust the exchange and have your gifter send their gift to your giftee. We all understand life happens and unexpected things come up, but please be responsible and let me know. Thank you!!**
happy gifting!
Sassy Red Apron is my fave - hands down!