
super duper easy burp cloth TUTORIAL

a couple of you wanted a tutorial for my burp cloths from yesterday. so of course, i never pass up a chance to whip up a lovely tutorial! haha i made one more burp cloth to take pics of the process AND if you'd like a chance to win the burp cloth featured in this tutorial, check out my FB page....

snuggle flannel, chenille, and/or minky fabrics- you can use any combo you'd like.
thin batting 
cut 2 pieces of fabric and 1 piece of batting into 9"x21". the dinosaur fabric is snuggle flannel {from Joanne's}, for the back, i used cream cotton chenille. 
place to 2 pieces of fabric right sides together. then layer the batting on top.
starting in the middle of a short side, sew around the 3 layer stack leaving a 3" gap.
trim your corners.
you will use the 3" gap to turn the burp cloth right side out.
make sure to push the corners out using scissors or your finger.
tuck in the edges of your 3" gap. {you may want to pin in place}
and sew around then entire burp cloth using a 1/4" seam allowance. and you're done!! these take like 15 minutes start to finish.
i love chenille. so soft and works wonders cleaning up a messy face :)
but chenille and minky fabric can be pricey, so you can use snuggle flannels for both sides and still have lovely, soft burp cloths like these pictured above.
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  1. Very cute and SUPER easy! I usually just use the store bought cloth diapers and sewed on some material, but this seems just as easy and probably less expensive!

  2. Those are SO cute!!! (LOVE the dino print!!)

    I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  3. Very cute and perfect timing. Just noticed on my calendar I have a baby shower tomorrow!

  4. Very cute! I made a load of these for my son and ended up liking the 2 flannel side, no batting ones best! Maybe because they were lighter and thinner and he wasn't much of a puker??

    PS love that dino fabric! I miss JoAnns!

  5. If you don't wash your burp cloths and other items like that with dryer sheets they will stay more absorbant. Something about those dryer sheets get rid of their super absorbent powers. Just something I learned!!

  6. Thanks so much for posting this!! I'm making some this afternoon- love the chenille!

  7. Love your blog! I wish we still had babies in our family, I'd make some!!


  8. I love how easily these are... but get so sad when they get so gross. :)

  9. super cute thanks! I am now a fan of facebook

  10. I love these burp cloths! So cute! I seriously need to learn how to sew.

  11. I could totally make those! Great tutorial!

  12. Thanks for posting this super cute tutorial, I am expecting soon and I am WAY EXCITED to make my own for my little one!

  13. I love that dinosaur fabric? Where did you get it/what brand is it?

  14. Great tutorial! I'd like to share a link on sewwhattoday.blogspot.com on July 12!

  15. OMG! Great tutorial. I am going to a baby shower in a couple of weeks and was planning to make some burp cloths. Thanks so much!

  16. I love that chenille! Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.

  17. These are so cute and look so easy! I have a good friend who is having a baby shower soon and I was looking to make some burp rags for her.


  18. Love love love these! I have a friend who is having a baby soon, I can't wait to get started on these for her! Thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Super cute - thanks for the inspiration!!

  20. I just wanted to thank you for posting this awesome, quick pattern ~ baby gift dilema solved!!!


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