
Black Friday Deals

What do Craftaholics love just as much as crafting? A good deal! SO, I am putting together a post for Black Friday with a list of all the good deals from your fave online handmade shops all in ONE SPOT! {who needs to stay up all night running around to a million different stores when you can find killer deals here on Craftaholics Anonymous in the comfort of your PJ's?!} The post will air at 12:01am EST on November 26.

I can't wait! I LOVE Black Friday, its the best shopping day of the year!

*If you would like your business/shop to be a part of Black Friday Deals on Craftaholics Anonymous, shoot me an email at craftaholicsanon@gmail.com.*

Clarification: this is for online small businesses that have agreed to participate. Sorry for any confusion!!


  1. This is such a great idea! Thanks so much for doing it.


  2. Such a good idea for a post! Thanks for doing all the hard work for the rest of us!

  3. you are my new favorite person! That is a fabulous idea!

  4. great idea so glad i follow you !!

  5. awesome. I love blackfriday.net ( i believe it is) ive been getting at least two emails a day from them about different lists being posted.
    So far the only good one i've seen has been Target and theres a bunch of things im excited about there.
    The next one I am waiting for is Best Buy..

  6. I gave you a blog award-check it out here:


    Thank you for your site-it is an inspiration!!


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com