
Sign up ends TODAY!

The Handmade Gift exchange sign ups end tonight. Hurry and sign up! Sorry for all the reminders, but I feel bad when I get that email saying, "I missed the sign up post, can I still participate?" Make sure you sign up if you want to be part of the Handmade Gift Exchange!

Click here for the United States Exchange sign up.
Click here for the International Exchange sign up.

***If you signed up and have not recieved an email from me with your partner's info, don't stress, I haven't had time to send all the emails out yet! But if you have not heard from me by Saturday, Nov. 13, then shoot me an email to see what's gong on.***
post signature


  1. omg I've never done this before so I'm super excited about this... I've signed up already. Can't wait...

  2. I love the new look of your blog! Very clean and classy!

  3. I love your new blog look! super cute


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com