
handbag makeover

  i {heart} handbags. and believe it or not, you can find some really awesome ones at thrift stores. they just need a little rehab, some TLC, and a brave soul. because i'll admit, it can be scary making over a handbag. 

on the flip side, if you mess the bag up, you're only out a few bucks. BUT if you nail it, then you saved yourself big bucks {hello, have you seen the price tag on some of those beauties?!} take for example, this lovely little gray Charlotte Russe number. it cost $6 and was brand new inside and out. and umm, did you see the freakin awesome shape? yeah, needless to say, it found its way to my craft table :o] 

and here's the dramatic 'After' pic
{drum roll}
 ta-da! yes, you can drool.  
as long as you wipe up your keyboard afterwards ;o}
who knew pearls and felt went together? but these 4 gray felt flowers with pearl centers are perfect for a sophisticated and updated look. 
such a fab bag for everyday or date night

happy crafting!
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  1. Now that is Fabulous! How did you attach the flowers?

  2. Wow, I would have never thought of Making over a hand bag! How did you make the felt flowers?

  3. Cute! Those simple flower completly re-did that bag. Good job.


  4. This is so cute, I like it better with the flowers, too plain without

  5. You made it so much better! Really fabulous! Did you make or buy those felt flowers? If you made them, can you tell me how?

  6. Totally awesome. Love the flowers!

  7. You are just stinkin amazing girl! I love it!

  8. That bag is now so adorable!!!! You inspire me!


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