
Social Spark

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

i've had several people on twitter ask me about using Social Spark and so when they asked if i'd write a quick post about Social Spark, i thought it would be a great way to answer some of those questions....

What is Social Spark? it is an advertising company that helps line up bloggers with brands.

Do you use Social Spark? Occasionally.

How many times have you used SocialSpark? One time prior to this.

How did it go? Fine. I had no complaints.

Is Social Spark easy to use? Compared to other advertising agencies software, it is easy to use and very straightforward.

Why don't you use Social Spark more? Because they don't have campaigns that are a good fit for my blog, Craftaholics Anonymous.

There is an affiliate program, if you're interested. You could even win a trip to Paris with it.

I would love it if Social Spark had more craft related brands to work with. I haven't seen any offers for any craft companies or sites since I started an account with them about 6 months ago. Maybe I would use it more if they had more craft related offers.

Anyways, I hope that answers some of your questions and gives you a little idea of what Social Spark is. If you have any questions about it, let me know.

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