
SYTYC auditions

Yup, I'm auditioning to be in "Season 2" of So You Think You're Crafty. It's the blogging world's version of Reality TV. So, if you'd like to see me compete, you need to head over there and vote. The only catch is, the voting is anonymous. Which means you're gonna to have to guess which craft is mine from an 18 craft line up! Yikes! Can you do it? Can you guess which one is mine? I sure hope so!
To cast your vote in the SYTYC auditions, click here.

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  1. Go Linda! I totally knew which one;) Hopefully you win!

  2. If I weren't Erika's (Oops! blogger) mom, I'd vote for you.

  3. I'm fairly certain I identified your craft. And I'm headed to the store to make one of my own tomorrow!! LOVE it!!

  4. You really do have a great blog here. I have a blog myself which brings inspiration and guidance to people all around the world. Life is hard enough, and I hope my site can contribute anything positive to someone's day.

    I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other. Please let me know if this is possible. Until then, keep up the good work.


  5. You will be awesome! I'm sure you will make it through the voting. I'm going there right now!

  6. I had a feeling I knew which one was yours. That is awesome! I can't figure out why yours doesn't have the most votes (other than some people told all their friends and family to vote for them.)


I ♥ comments!

Have a Q? email me at craftaholicsanon (at) gmail (dot) com