
laurndry hamper liner

we bought a cheap laundry hamper at the beginning of our marriage and like the good newly wed wife i was, i shrunk the lining after the very first washing. sigh. gotta love those first "learner loads" of laundry. so needless to say, the liner has never fit the hamper. and like a good hubby, Davis has put up with this caving annoyance for over 5 years:
any time the liner even saw clothes coming, it caved in. UGH. so annoying. none of the clothes actually made it into the liner, they always ended up on-top of the liner. so basically the liner was pointless. and sorting laundry was a headache. 

so after years of fighting the caving hamper liner, i finally decided to fix it.
 the best part is, i did not sew an entire basket new liner, i just added a strip of fabric across the top and new ties in the back and it turned out fabulous AND very functional. {those don't always go together...} and of course i've tested it out several times already :)

i'm working on the tutorial today and should have it ready for tomorrow in case anyone else has issues with their hamper/basket liners like i did. or if you just want to update or add color to your liners, this is a simple, easy way to do it.

*don't forget to link up your 4th of July posts in the Patriotic Parade!*
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  1. I so been guilty of shrinking many a thing! But the laundry liner is a pain. I love the revamp!

  2. What a cute way to fix that problem!

  3. Awesome re-do! I cna't wait to see your tutorial. I need a good one on making basket liners. I'm a sewer wannabee and need lots of guidance!

  4. Lol! I shrunk an identical hamper liner about 5 years ago as well and I have been dealing with the same hamper drama ever since! Thanks for the easy tip. :)

  5. Love it! Wish I had a hamper like that with a shrunken liner :)

  6. What a great idea!! Pop out the liner and go to the washing machine? Perfect! And the color of the fabric is so bright and cheerful. So needed for this task!


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