
orange burlap

you better believe you'll be seeing this fab burlap in some future projects!! i had no idea they made burlap in orange. but it's so perfect for fall crafts :)
*i found it at Joann's*
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  3. So cool! I had no idea that it came in colors! That will be great for halloween projects!

  4. I'm so glad to see this post - I purchased 2 yards of red burlap the other day on a whim and have no plans for it. I'll be watching your blog to see what you come up with!

  5. I bought some orange last year to make cute pumpkins, but I never got to them. I also picked ups some red burlap a few months ago with Christmas in mind:)

  6. Mmmm! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  7. Love it! I found some in my mom's fabric just the other day and she let me have it- I'm so glad it's still available and I can get more. I need to make fabric pumpkins out of this.

  8. I have seen several colors at my local JoAnn's...orange and red and even lime green!!!! You can bet I'll be getting some. Why? Because it's there!

  9. I found some of this orange, purple and black on clearance at a local craft store! I bought some....but I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet! :)

  10. love burlap! love fall! how perfect is this orange burlap!!! I hope my local joann's carries it! cant wait to see your projects :)

    Kara @ Mine for the Making

  11. I am loving this orange burlap!! It is perfect!!


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